CITO® is the first level in the EPI IT Training Framework©. CITO® is a 2-day course designed to teach the competencies required of the modern IT professional working at the operations level in IT. Also known as the IT engineer’s course, CITO® candidates will become instantly productive having gained knowledge and understanding of the demands in today’s IT infrastructures. Theirimproved capabilities will deliver immediate results, increasing efficiency and significantly reducing the margin of error.
CITO® is aligned with the latest European e-Competence (e-CF) Framework - addressing proficiency levels 1 and 2 (Associate & Professional). In 2016, the e-CF became a European standard and was published officially as the European Norm EN 16234-1.
System administrators/engineers, service desk operators/agents, network administrators/engineers, software developers/engineers, account managers.
This course is most suited for aspiring and existing IT professionals from entry level up to two years of actual working experience in IT, with basic knowledge of (operating) systems, network and/or applications, and service desk operations. It is also suited for people who are changing careers and entering the IT professional world.
After completion of the course, the participant will be able to:
IT Strategy
IT Organization
Project Management
System Administration
Service Management
Information Security
Technology Trends
The CITO® course is lectured by an EPI Certified Instructor.
CITO® course is available in the following delivery methods:
Exam: Certified IT Operator (CITO®)
The CITO® exam is a 60-minute closed book exam, with 40 multiple-choice questions. The candidate requires a minimum of 26 correct answers to pass the exam.
Attendees passing the exam will be awarded the internationally accredited and recognized 'Certified IT Operator' certificate (CITO®).
CITO® is globally accredited by EXIN, a fully independent exam and certification institute.
The CITO® certificate is valid for 3 years, after which recertification is required. Please see the EPI Recertification Program for available options.
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